
Welcome to the Lead Pursuit Podcast! We are a wargaming podcast specializing in aerial combat wargames, such as Blood Red Skies. We also talk about other miniatures-based wargames, boardgames and aviation, along with our general rambling about military topics. Thanks for taking time to visit us, and please let us know how you like the podcast!

Gathering of Eagles 2021 Registration opens!

Gathering of Eagles 2021 Registration opens!

Registration is now open for the 2021 Gathering of Eagles event!

This year it will be held at The Higgins Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana, on 4-6 June 2021. The Higgins is the official hotel of the National World War Two Museum and is located directly adjacent to the museum and its amazing collection. You can view the hotel’s website at: https://www.higginshotelnola.com/

The hotel is offering a special rate for GoE attendees of $149 a night - reservations can be made at:


Tickets for GoE 2021 are $50 until 1 May, when the price will increase to $60. You can reserve them and sign up for events on the Gathering of Eagles page at:


Come join the Lead Pursuit Podcast team and your fellow gamers for this event that you won’t want to miss!

BRS Digital Edition Kickstarter: CANCELED

BRS Digital Edition Kickstarter: CANCELED

More Aircraft cards uploaded!

More Aircraft cards uploaded!