
Welcome to the Lead Pursuit Podcast! We are a wargaming podcast specializing in aerial combat wargames, such as Blood Red Skies. We also talk about other miniatures-based wargames, boardgames and aviation, along with our general rambling about military topics. Thanks for taking time to visit us, and please let us know how you like the podcast!

Episode 17 - Malta? Never heard of it!

Episode 17 - Malta? Never heard of it!

Chris, Brett and Doug talk about the new resin aircraft releases, and some of the upcoming plans for Warlord Resin. THey also spill the beans on their project to augment the Air Strike release with their scenarios, aircraft cards and special ace releases. Of course Doug confuses his UK military awards... are we really shocked?

Episode 18 - Veterans Day Wargaming

Episode 18 - Veterans Day Wargaming

Episode 16 - Rules changes and hobby products

Episode 16 - Rules changes and hobby products