
Welcome to the Lead Pursuit Podcast! We are a wargaming podcast specializing in aerial combat wargames, such as Blood Red Skies. We also talk about other miniatures-based wargames, boardgames and aviation, along with our general rambling about military topics. Thanks for taking time to visit us, and please let us know how you like the podcast!

Episode 110 - Summer Convention Debrief

Episode 110 - Summer Convention Debrief

Are you stuck on a boring vacation with your family?  Wish you were surrounded by a bunch of stinky gamers pushing plastic models, instead?  Well be prepared to live vicariously through the LPP team as they discuss their summer convention attendance!  

Upcoming Events:

Blood Red Skies events at NashCon - hosted by Mike Lewis


Blood Red Skies at Siege of Vicksburg - Steve Toth Memorial Tournament


As always, check out our store for the latest in Blood Red Skies and Aerial Wargaming miniatures, accessories and more!


Episode 111 - Keeping the Peace

Episode 111 - Keeping the Peace

Episode 109 - Wing Commander Compendium

Episode 109 - Wing Commander Compendium